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LuMind IDSC invites you and your family to become part of the next chapter: for Down syndrome research that will give us answers.

What kind of research does LuMind IDSC connect participants with?

LuMind IDSC research priorities focus on medical conditions that disproportionately impact people with Down syndrome, such as Alzheimer’s disease and sleep apnea. In addition, we support research projects in areas leading to increased independence and cognition for people with Down syndrome, including gene therapies. 

Our research takes many different forms: clinical trials, studies, surveys… there are many ways to participate! 

We’re not in the business of changing people’s loved ones—instead, we hope to use the results of research to maximize the quality-of-life of each person with Down syndrome based on their individual needs. Participation from members of the community is crucial to helping us get the answers and solutions we all would like to see. 

If you’d like to request more information on participating in Down syndrome research —whether it’s a specific study or you just have a general question—please feel free to reach out using this form and a member of our team will get back to you. 

Check out a list of available research opportunities by visiting this page